Rumors are that the cause was due to a "Buddhist" maid, being raped by a "Muslim". Its kind of funny to me as this was done by a individual person, fueled by little threats from a violence greedy so called "religious icon", not the whole ethnic or religious groups. We "Buddhists" people got to admit that someone in our ethnicity or religion had also raped others. It certainly should not affect our lives or result in a bad image of our religion. So to the other religions too. Its a crime of one individual. Not every single one in our religion. While some "Buddhist monks: are participating in the violent riots, other monks are making the situation better, showing the right path towards peace. According to Buddha's teaching, peace and forgiveness is the answer while revenge will only cause in further more destructions and hardships.
Prejudices and discriminations exists in the human race but why not change it for a brighter future, looking out for our new generations. What if everybody see others as just as a person. Knowing every single one is different from the others. There is always some good in the bad and will always be some bad in the good. The last but not least, what if the terms describing a person "a buddhist" or "a muslim", grouping many different kinds of people under one irrelevant and prematurely judging titles come to an end? The world would be a better place if we all individually change our mindsets about prejudices bits by bits. So called "religious clashes" will never occur in those kind of environments.
In the end who would suffer from the clashes and violences? Surely us! Because no matter what our views or religions are, we are all of the same race - the human race!
Violence and civil wars will only end with a negative image for our country, our nationalities, our religions. If the situation gets out of hand, we are the ones who will suffer. Setting aside all the casualties, what's worse would be falling back in our old steps. Who knows? It might be a support to a new century long military regieme again. Stop being puppets for the politics. An eye for an eye will never be a solution.
Peace be upon us humans.
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